Mission We are a social organization promoting integral community development, working through actions to improve water access, food security, food production, mother-child health, nutritional counseling, and income generation to enhance quality of life in indigenous population by strengthening the capacities of local agents and empowering people with technological innovations in crops, eco-techniques and rational use of natural resources. Vision We are a social organization performing Integral Community Development actions with high quality indexes and results within operations, to benefit indigenous families, reaching a significant change in the quality of life in the communities.
There is a directive council leading this organization formed by two partners, the legal representative and leader of this project, and the project management coordinator. There are council meetings every three months where strategic decisions are made. Operative decisions are taken in weekly meetings with the operative personal. The operative level has two departments, a technical coordination with the agronomy, agricultural and management area; and the training and innovation coordination with the areas of coffee, livestock and beekeeping production, sustainable rural development area, social organization, nutritional support and medical area. Adicionally there are two staff areas; finances coordination and project management coordination.
Dicadem, S.C. was founded in November 2003. During 2004 and 2005 we worked with training courses for indigenous and rural communities related to participative planning, indigenous rights and human development. From 2006 to 2008 we worked with productive projects and communitarian saving funds besides being responsible for the application of the government program PROCAPI-ALIANZA in two municipalities of high and very high marginalization. By October 2008 is constituted as Rural Development Agency and works with the Food Security Strategic Project (PESA) in 2 micro regions in Chiapas, the tseltal chol formed by 21 indigenous localities in the municipalities of Yajalón, Sabanilla, Tila and Tumbalá; as well as the Chol de Salto de Agua formed by 9 indigenous localities of the Salto de Agua municipality. In 2009 the coverage is expanded to 49 localities and 1795 families inside of the lowest index of Human Development municipalities. In 2010 we worked with the joint program of water and sanitation hired by FAO to attend 10 localities in the municipalities of San Juan Cancuc and Sitalá, which continued in 2011, besides working in the Strategic Program for Nutritional and Food Security (PESAN) implemented by IMEPREV, attending malnutrition in under 5 year old children and pregnancy women in 18 localities in the municipality of Chilón in Chiapas. In 2012 we continued working with the PESA, PESAN and Water and Sanitation Programs, adding a new project called Effective and Communitarian Water Management funded with financial resources from SEMARNAT, CONAGUA and Kelllogg Foundation in order to attend 15 localities in the San Juan Cancuc and Sitalá municipalities. In this project we builted 546 ferrocement tanks for rain water catchment, 50 tanks of 1000 liters for management and control of water and 12 horticultural orchards for food production. During 2013 we worked with the new Project Partnership Strategy for Sustainable Development currently in care management for 30 locations in the municipalities of San Juan and Sitalá Cancuc from January 2013. The other project we participate is the Strategic Project for Food Security (SPFS) having SAGARPA funding and methodological support of the FAO of the United Nations, in which we are participating for the last 5 years in food production and the generation of income for indigenous families of 30 villages in the municipalities of Sabanilla and Tumbalá in the state of Chiapas. The project officially began operations on July 27, 2012 and ending on March 31, 2013, having continued after that period.